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Virtual Production
Takes You Into Metaverse



About Us

Feng Shui Vision provides a series of on-site real-time integration services for virtual film production and VTuber production. Our equipment include Qingtong's optical motion capture device, Foheart's body and finger motion capture device, Glassbox's virtual camera and integrated production software, and Yameme Integrated Marketing’s VT Live.


In order to become the leading virtual image production equipment supplier in Taiwan, we have put a lot of effort into adapting the production process to be applicable to Unity and Unreal, at the same time, combined hardware equipment from many motion capture brands.


Our services provide you with a quality work environment where clients can focus on inspiring their creativity through deeper discussions.


Technical Project

Our clients are not only film and animation studios, but also includes martial arts athlete,
Peking Opera actor, and etc.


Technical Core

As virtual production becomes more competitive among studios in related industries, a streamlined pipeline can save a lot of effort and even reduce the risk of trial and error in the process.


Feng Shui Vision has been constantly discussing and cooperating with various types of studios, and we have proven to be a valuable source of expertise that can reduce the risk of choosing a wrong hardware or software.


It is time to choose the right production process!


Product Service

We have the most diverse dynamic motion capture software and hardware equipment and
excellent team to provide you with most professional service.

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Service Philosophy

We provide customers with the most diverse motion capture equipment and virtual production software to achieve the most flexible services. We can also dispatch motion capture service teams to designated locations such as TV stations and even shopping malls according to customer needs. If you want to use your own team, we also offer short-term rental options of motion capture equipment.


In addition, Unreal's experimental long-range motion capture service, as well as Glassbox's BeeHive integrated production software, are also being integrated.




Do you want to contact us?

You can also reach us through Facebook

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