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Lecturer LineupLecturer


Albert Lan 

NTU of Arts

Associate Professor

of Film Studies

Ding Qifang

​FengShui Vision

Technical director

Frank Yu

Film Industry and Integrated Application of Real-Time Special Effect

Quick completion of super eye-catching movie special effect scenes
Easy completion of super lively virtual characters
Fengshui Vision does not keep secrets, we will take you to experience premium virtual production
Without leaving the country, you can own Hollywood-level, astonishing special effects

Photos of live activities


Fengshui Vision has invited CEO Albert Lan of Albert Lan Digital Creative and Professor Ding of Taiwan University of Arts, Department of Motion Picture, and Fengshui Vision’s Technical Director, Frank to share real-time special effect experience, motion capturing technic, virtual production technic, practical application cases.  Suitable for all, who is involved in filmmaking, video making, movie technology, multi-media, and more to discuss and explore.  If you are interested, please visit Fengshui Vision’s official Facebook page to watch the video. 

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